
In the Dog book, why does the AWRI recommend that the application of some products (for example Scala) be restricted to before 80% capfall?

The recommendations in the tables have been developed to satisfy the lowest maximum residue limit (MRL) for any of Australia’s major wine markets after considering available data on the persistence of the agrochemical, both on grapes and through winemaking. In the case of Scala (pyrimethanil), it is known that if it is sprayed onto grapes after 80% capfall, residues might be detectable in the resultant wine. Some of the markets to which Australia exports wine have a very low MRL for pyrimethanil, or alternatively, have not announced their position on the course of action they would take if pyrimethanil was detected in wine. To ensure that Australian wine meets MRLs set by all of these markets, the 80% capfall restriction is suggested.

Are there exceptions to these restrictions?

Yes. Products may be used closer to harvest than the suggested restriction period in consultation with the winery/grape purchaser. A winery may choose to ignore the restriction if the wine made from the grapes will be sold in Australia alone, or to an export market that has an MRL greater than the expected residue or if the market otherwise permits residues of the agrochemical. In this case, the label withholding period is the minimum delay that should be observed between spraying the grapes and harvest.

Can I use a product that is not listed?

Yes. A product not listed can be used after consultation with the winery/grape purchaser and used according to the label specifications.

Do I need to follow the AWRI Dog book recommendations if my wine is not exported?

No. If the wine is for domestic consumption, the product label has the appropriate restrictions to meet the Australian MRL.

If I am selling my wine to a specific export market, could this change the withholding period for a chemical?

Yes. The export market MRL can be compared with the Australian MRL for the chemical you want to use by searching the MRL database. If the residue tolerance is the same, it is fine to follow the label.


For more information about agrochemicals, MRLs, spray applications, visit the Agrochemicals section of the website.