Staff profiles

Adrian Coulter

Position: Senior Oenologist

BSc Flinders University, GradDip (Oen) University of Adelaide


Email: [please enable JavaScript to view email address]
Phone: 08 8313 6600
Since: 3 January 1989

Four years (1980–1984) full-time as a Lab Technician at Glenloth Winery (Wynn Winegrowers), four vintages as a Cellar Hand at Glenloth Winery (1985–1989), one year as a part-time Cellar Hand at Chapel Hill Winery (2001), vintage at Moët & Chandon, Epernet (2008).


Conducts applied research into wine production, composition and processing problems for wineries as they arise. Examples include investigation of taint and contamination issues, microbiological faults, wine oxidation, physical instabilities, packaging problems and causes of unusual sensory characters. 


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Adrian is an Affiliate Lecturer in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine in the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology, University of Adelaide. He contributes to the University of Adelaide’s Oenology course by delivering lectures on wine taints, microbiological issues and metals instabilities to Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.