Botrytis – risk and control options (webinar recording)

Recent and ongoing weather conditions pose a significant threat to the development of Botrytis and other bunch rots in grapes, especially in NSW grapegrowing regions. This webinar (presented by Mardi Longbottom, Senior Viticulturist, AWRI and Liz Riley, Viticultural Consultant, Hunter Valley) will provide an overview of Botrytis status across the major NSW regions, outline the available control options and highlight critical issues in the Botrytis control decision-making process. This short presentation will be followed by an open question and answer session joined by Matt Holdstock, Senior Oenologist, AWRI; Marcel Essling, Senior Viticulturist, AWRI; Kristy Bartrop, Riverina Winegrapes Marketing Board; and Paul Baguley, Viticultural Consultant, PBAg Consulting, Mudgee. (Recorded 16 January 2015)