Suitability of non-chemical weed control tools on different soil types

Cultivation, no-till weed control tools and cover crops behave differently on different soil types, with some tools better than others depending on the situation. A summary of the ease of use  of different weed control tools on different soil types is presented in the table below.

Finger weeder Knife weeder Disc plough Dodge plough Powered rotary tiller Undervine mower Undervine whipper snipper Undervine sweeper Straw mulch Sheep grazing Sown undervine cover crops Volunteer undervine swards
Large or excessive stones Moderate Difficult Difficult Difficult Difficult Difficult Easy Moderate Easy Moderate Moderate Moderate
Stone/gravel Easy Difficult Moderate Moderate Difficult Moderate** Easy Moderate Easy Easy Easy Easy
Sand Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy
Silt/loam Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy
Clay Moderate* Moderate* Moderate* Moderate* Moderate* Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy Easy

*Can be difficult in wet or very dry soils

**Stones must be flush with ground