Date(s) - 14 May 2018 until 17 May 2018
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
The Australian Wine Research Institute (WIC Building)
Corner of Hartley Grove and Paratoo Road
Urrbrae SA
The AWAC is presented under a four-day format, which includes approximately 40 hours of activities over four days. Twelve leading wine show judges, journalists and winemakers assist in the presentation of the course.
Due to the extensive list of people interested in participating in the course, and if demand exceeds the number of available places, an allocation of places will be made using a ballot system. By registering yourself for the Advanced Wine Assessment course, you will automatically be entered into the ballot for any AWAC courses held. The AWRI does, however, reserve the right not to place applicants if it is considered they do not have sufficient formal wine tasting experience to enable them to participate fully in the course.
For further information on the Advanced Wine Assessment Course click here
Event Region(s)