Media Releases

19 ways to take the heat out of refrigeration costs for wineries

Refrigeration in Australian wineries accounts for 50-70% of total electricity use. Cooling, critical to the production of quality wines, not only impacts on profitability, it also enlarges the carbon footprint of wine producers.

With the focus on reducing environmental harms and improving profitability, the AWRI’s Commercial Services team of winery process operations experts has prepared a new handbook which helps wine producers understand and improve winery refrigeration efficiencies. With their knowledge of the processes involved in wine production, they have identified 19 improvement opportunities presented in terms of both low-cost and high-cost solutions. This publication is vital reading for everyone in the industry who relies on cooling and refrigeration.

A reduction in financial and environmental impacts for wine producers is a key aim of the AWRI’s carbon management specialists.

For further information:
Rae Blair, Communications Manager (; tel: 0417 810 737)
Karl Forsyth, Senior Engineer (; tel: 08 8313 6600)