AWRI publications

The AWRI publishes regularly in Australian and international grape and wine industry journals. Use this page to access full text pdf versions of a wide range of AWRI-authored articles including:

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From wine to pepper: rotundone, an obscure sesquiterpene, is a potent spicy aroma compound.
Publication Number S 1060
Article Authors Wood, C.; Siebert, T.E.; Parker, M.; Capone, D.L.; Elsey, G.M.; Pollnitz, A.P.; Eggers, M.; Meier, M.; Vössing, T.; Widder, S.; Krammer, G.; Sefton, M.A.; Herderich, M.J.
Journal Title Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Volume 56
Issue (10)
Pages 3738-3744
Date 2008

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